1. yes, you'll have to translate discrete dividends into dividend yields.
I'm not sure of the times you're using, though. If an option expires in 6
2. You can use InterpolateDiscountCurve and build it from discounts. There
for classes documented as "traits".
3. ZeroCurve is a particular kind of YieldTermStructure.
4. I'm not sure I got your question...
Post by ziegeleThanks Luigi.
I tried to expand the variance swap replication example to include: non-flat
volatility surface, non-flat interest rate, and non-flat discrete dividend
term structure, based on the example I could find from Mick Hittesdorf's
tutorial at
As you can find in the attached file main.cpp
<http://quantlib.10058.n7.nabble.com/file/n18277/main.cpp> , I used
boost::shared_ptr<ZeroCurve> to generate the discrete dividend term
structure, and boost::shared_ptr<YieldTermStructure> with
InterpolatedZeroCurve<ForwardFlat> to return the interest rate term
1. How do I include discrete dividend, rather than dividend yield, into the
divYield = discreteDiv / spot * yearFraction(evaluationDate,
optionExpiryDate), for each exDividend date (data read from
file). Is it correct?
2. How do I correctly interpolate the interest rate term structure?
(1) Currently I used a flat interest rate of 5% (read from ir_schedule.csv
<http://quantlib.10058.n7.nabble.com/file/n18277/ir_schedule.csv> file,
with the 1st dividend date to be the evaluationDate, otherwise PV would be
wrong). Is there a way of inputting discount factor directly? If so, how do
I change InterpolatedZeroCurve() to?
(2) Do I really need the <ForwardFlat> selection to interpolate the interest
rate? If not, what are other choices?
3. What is the difference between <ZeroCurve> used in dividend, and
<YieldTermStructure> used in interest rate term structure? Loos to be that I
could also use one to replace the other;
4. Currently the volatility surface is kept the same as what's written in
the example (vol=0.3~0.13, linearly dependent on strike). If I want to
include a full volatility surface which can also be read from a file, can I
keep the codes unchanged (lines 15-45)?
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